Wednesday, December 12, 2007

An elf
or a ball of flame
her long hair blowing
under a very red beret
Black and white heels
who knows from what era
of her 84 years?
She’s hopping up and down
in the middle of the street
waving her arm
like we’re the last taxi on the planet.
We’ve only met by phone
but here we are at last
Old Friends
rambling in a van about town.
She tells us
at 84
she’s no longer nursing babies
but still follows the doctor’s advice:
a beer a day is a good thing
Just one.
In the morning.
Sons and nephews,
they keep telling her
(she says)
that she needs an itinerary.
“I got no itinerary. Just go
where the wind blows and
tell everyone I meet:
Sending you love, honey,
I’m sending you love."

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