I've been reading about a vast void in the universe, a billion light years wide, one that was discovered by Minnesota scientists and reported last August. No stars, planets, dust nor gases. No dark matter exerting muscular gravitational pull. Just a void.
I was a bad girl today: I broke my Lenten practice of no sweets and ate 3 leftover birthday brownies. The first one was exquisite--the next two more on automatic. What can I say. I didn't feel bad at all. I'm very pleased about that. I mean, my mother was buried this week. I did a large part of the funeral arrangements as well as attending to emotional details such as picking out and carrying in the last clothing she would wear, worrying about whether they'd fold her socks like she liked them, and picking objects to go into the drawer in her casket, objects that she might need on her journey (flashlight, shoehorn, bandage scissors, 2-dollar bill, candy violets, a golf magazine with Tiger on the cover...) I've kept up with Shintaido practice. And, I bought a book called The Lucifer Effect about situations that turn good people evil--which is both an attempt to get needed CEUs before the end of the month and an attempt to better understand violence, war and interpersonal tweaking--the other half of this year's Lenten practice.
While I'm glad I've learned some self-discipline over the years, I need more work in learning to let go. So y'see, the bad girl is a good girl.
And let's hear it for friends who suddenly showed up at the end of this awkward, wobbly day. A moment of silence for friends...and for sisters, brothers, mothers, teachers, sons, therapists and fathers. Though I have no daughters, I am a daughter. Let's honor daughters, too.
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