I was waiting to catch a plane, and I idly drew the round-headed emblem of the men’s restroom near my gate. On the way back, a man seated next to me, head rather despondently in his hands, wrote in what looked to be a journal. The cover of the journal had a sticker on it: AskMen
One of the interpretations of all the Xs and Ys in my path of late could have to do with Christianity or genetics or DNA or chromosomes or something. Today, there was one X and one Y, side by side, almost framed on the path in rectangles of earth. As though shouting at me, do you get it yet?
No, I don’t. But perhaps it has to do with men?
Its an old saw, but a relatively new volleyball player in our pick up games, pointed it out once again after someone (I won't say who) said, "There has to be a sexual connotation there."
The new guy pointed out, "ANYTHING can be taken in a sexual way."
Yep. Might as well make friends with it--it's everywhere you go.
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