As I approached the workshop, three roseate spoonbills sailed above from the right, two egrets from before me, and a great big hawk sat perched on a power line to the left. The seven of us intersected all at once. Right in town! I knew it was a good day.
I opened to the first page of the training handout and read:
*Symbols are defined as expression for something unknown or representing something that may have special meaning.
*May act as a bridge—bridging of what is familiar and that which is strange.
*Jung suggested symbols are thought to be the best possible expression with which to describe a relatively unknown and complex fact.
*A symbol generates itself from the unconscious as a spontaneous expression of some deep inner power of which we are aware, but cannot be fully explained in words.
Mariellen Griffith, Ed.D.
Right time, right place, right people. A very good seminar, another happy intersection.
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