The speed limit in much of west Texas is 80 miles per hour.
I stopped for gas in Fort Stockton. As I returned to the car, a bus pulled away with a mascot emblazoned on the back and the words Fighting Owls. I wished I had my camera in hand! So when the second bus pulled out, I had it ready to capture the Fighting Owls, and this is the blurry, through-the-windshield shot I got:
A different kind of birding! I also saw two real life red-tailed hawks along the way and a roadrunner. I saw an American kestrel, and a red-masked hawk on a pole that I couldn't look up because there's too much stuff in the car to reach the guide. I saw way too many dead deer along the way, including one that looked quite large and full grown, but with white spots like a fawn.
I'm reporting from a Comfort Inn in Las Cruces, New Mexico, and there's a very tired baby crying in the next room.
Ah yes, the Crane Cranes (from the little town of Crane). I think the spotted deer you saw was probably an Axis deer.
I saw a deer like it a night or two before driving to Kerrville, just before I got to Fredericksburg. It was grazing along the side of the road. Are they wild, or escaped exotics?
And did you come across any whooping cranes in Port Aransas?
According to Wiki Axis are from India. So they're escaped exotics who have become naturalized here. They're beautiful.
I didn't make it to see the cranes but got great shots of pelicans, an osprey, great blue herons, yellow-rumped warbler,and others, as well as three beautiful sunsets! I was in heaven.
hope to see your images of heaven-
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