and this moment (on Church?):
it went pop, pop, pop.
I mentioned idowhaticansnapsnap because, like several other photoblogs, it seemed to effortlessly generate improbable connections. I thought I'd write about that funny timing phenomenon some day. Well, some day's arrived sooner than planned. There came a synchronicity within a synchronicity today, soon after and oddly entwined with the last entry posted here.
This isn't much of a discussion, but at least I've introduced the subject.
Since no one else commented, I will venture a .... "I don't get it".
Hi, George-
yeah. It's convoluted, beating around the bush. It's like being at Barton Springs, and dangling your toes in the cold water, waiting for the moment you can bear to jump in.
I'll jump in soon.
Thanks for visiting--greetings to Carol!
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