Years ago, I came upon a blog called something like: Harrumph! it's all about love...
I think the word Harrumph! called to me.
Well, that blog was already finished, but there was a link to the writer's more current stuff, which at that time was a photoblog, and that's how I found Heather Champ, a most remarkable participant in the blogging world.
It's not so much the content--the words or the photos--(though all of that is excellent and has a marvelous capacity to startle). It's been her ability to keep evolving, using new and revised tools that come her way and take her into uncharted territory.
One of her early experiments was called The Mirror Project. People emailed her photos of their reflections in mirrors, puddles, doorknobs, and she posted them.
The above picture reminded me of her project. You can check out Heather's current site at the link below:
One of these days, I'll write about the now defunct photoblog: idowhaticansnapsnap
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